Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Story About a Top

This is the story of  lovely lace ( a curtain), a pattern from a time long ago(a time I remember like it was yesterday), a crafty mummy( that's me) & a fair maiden(my teenager).
The fair maiden was in a fit of despair she had nothing to wear, a trip to the shops was the only answer to her plight, "We need to go to Knox" she cried.  "Oh but sweet child" I replied "Never fear your darling mummy knows just what to do".(also the bank of mummy is closed) So to my trusty fabric stash & pattern box I went.
To find this Ace(cool 80's word) 1980's pattern & a lace curtain that I just couldn't part with.
So a very cool Lace Batwing top I created. The drama was averted & the mummy was once again the best mum in the world.
The End.
 X Kerri

1 comment:

  1. Kerri, you are a star! Great top. I'm pretty sure I had one almost the same...way back when...
    Kate (MESTup)


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